Are you someone who is home bound and would like a visitation, phone call, or video call from someone from our Community Care Ministry?
Call the church office at 612-521-3547 x2001 or email info@hopechurchmn.com.
Are you someone who visits our home bound?
Thank you for visiting our home bound Hope family members!
Our hope is our home bound individuals are visited regularly and in order to track this, a form has been created for you to record your visit.
What you will need:
- Password to access tracking form (call church office at 612-521-3547 x2001)
- Date of visitation
- Name of person visited
- Your name
- Did you give communion? (yes or no)
- Where did you meet this person? (their home, home of family member, care center, other)
- Would you like a call from a pastor regarding this visitation? (yes or no)
- Any important notes regarding this visitation
Two other options to record your visitation: You may send an email to info@hopechurchmn.com OR drop off a note in the office during business hours letting us know the above information.
Questions, call 612-521-3547 x2001