You were created to use the gifts, talents and abilities God has given you to serve his Kingdom. Hope would like to challenge attendees/members to get engaged – church is more than Sundays!
Hope church could not do the programming and outreach we do without our volunteers! Come join us!

Why should you engage?
- Give back to a cause you believe in.
- Share Jesus!
- Share your talents with others.
- Fill a need by doing something that brings meaning.
- Experience something new and exciting.
- Meet new people!
- Develop spiritually.
- Help others.
- Be a part of our Hope Family!
Variety of Different Ways to engage by serving:
- Vacation Bible School (July 30 – Aug 3rd) | Many ways to help!
- Media | Run on-screen video/graphics for services and events (training provided!)
- Youth | Wednesday or Sunday morning volunteers, other events throughout the year
- Children | Sunday school/Wednesday evening teachers & helpers, snack makers, & variety of other events throughout the year
- Music/Worship | Do you have a musical talent that you could share with us? We have volunteer music teams that rotate throughout the month – we would love to have you!
- Greeters & Ushers
- Sunday Morning Coffee Time | Make coffee, set out cookies or bake if desired
- Kitchen helpers | Serve or cook meals occasionally, funeral helpers, Do you like to clean – we could use you!
- Building Properties | Do you have skills that we could tap once in a while? Like to paint? Fix things? MANY opportunities! Plus it’s fun!
Email office@hopechurchmn.com or call the the office 612-521-3547 x2001